Learning and sharing. Code, ideas, DIY, thoughts and more.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 09 solutions

⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ This is a post with my solutions and learning from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit My programming language of choice is python and all examples below are in python. Key learning Window sliding This puzzle teaches us to slide through an list of values using a window.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 08 solutions

⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ This is a post with my solutions and learning from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit My programming language of choice is python and all examples below are in python. Key learning Simple compiler This puzzle is a really simple compiler where we execute one of three instructions and only keep track of one value in memory.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 07 solutions

⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ This is a post with my solutions and learning from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit My programming language of choice is python and all examples below are in python. Key learning Depth first search Possibly on part 1: Breadth first search This puzzle can be viewed as a “graph” problem with nodes and edges.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 06 solutions

⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ This is a post with my solutions and learning from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit My programming language of choice is python and all examples below are in python. Key learning Sets and dictionaries This puzzle teaches us how to counting unique elements in lists.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 06 solutions AWK

⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ This is a post with my solutions and learning from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit AWK AWK is an useful tool in the command-line when processing text-files. It has it’s own “programming language” which makes it quite powerful. Prerequisite understandings Built-in variables: There are built-in variables in AWK.

Advent of Code: 2020 Day 05 solutions

SPOILER ALERT This is a post with my solutions and learnings from the puzzle. Don’t continue reading if you haven’t tried the puzzle on your own yet. If you want to do the puzzle, visit My programming language of choice is python and all examples below are in python. Key learnings Binary numbers This puzzle makes play with binaries. Though not explicitly, but knowing of binaries will help out with this puzzle.